About Me
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C Fangerow
My feet are firmly planted with one in England and the other in California.
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From my own nerve wracking first-hand experience I can tell you that being diagnosed with a life threatening condition is not only very frightening, it is also very expensive even when you have health insurance. The inability to stay on a job (sometimes for months or even years) coupled with deductibles, co-payments, transportation, special garment and medical device costs, and a myriad of other unexpected new costs force many seriously ill patients into running up large debts, filing for personal bankruptcy, and even delaying or forgoing treatment because they can't afford to bridge the gap between insurance coverage and real costs.

 Whether it's cancer, a transplant, an accident or any crisis really, you may have a friend who needs support and Human Tribe Project is there to help you give it.

Human Tribe Project is an online resource that allows friends and family to show both financial and emotional support to loved ones in crisis situations. HumanTribeProject.com facilitates the fast and easy formation of online communities (Tribes) that rally around loved ones in-need, providing emotional support and communication through private websites, blogs and forums. Tribe members can provide financial support directly to the individual (Beneficiary) by purchasing Tribe Tags, which serve as meaningful and tangible icons of support. Human Tribe Project is based in Phoenix, Arizona.

How Human Tribe Project Works

A member, designated as a "Tribe Leader" sets up a web page on behalf of the Beneficiary who can chronicle his/her ongoing journey through a blog and share it with invited Tribe Members. Members can provide financial support by purchasing Tribe Tags in the Beneficiary’s honor and emotional support by joining the Tribe, posting words of encouragement, and forwarding the site to friends and family, thus growing the Tribe in a very organic way.

Tribe Tags are steel charms strung on a ball chain that can be worn as a necklace or carried on a key-chain. Designed after a traditional dog tag, which is emblematic of a group coming together to overcome a struggle, Tribe Tags include three charms: a Human Tribe Project dog tag, a Tribe Print charm symbolizing the common thread that connects us all, and a personalized charm bearing the initial of the Beneficiary in whose support it was purchased. Tribe Tags are available for $20, $15 of which will be returned directly to the Beneficiary as a tax-free gift, paid out on a monthly basis.

Currently Tribe Tags currently ship to USA addresses only. If you wish to make a donation to a foreign beneficiary I suggest you consider using PayPal donations button.

Please visit my Human Tribe page by clicking the link below. If you are interested in creating an account for someone you know in need please follow the links on the Human Tribe Project site.


Purchase a Human Tribe Tag
Show you support a Cancer patient when you purchase a Human Tribe Tag. 75% of the purchase price will be sent directly to the beneficiary. Tribe-badge-c USA shipping only at this time.
PayPal Donation Link
If you would like to help with some of the many expenses which are not covered by insurance you are invited to make a small donation.

Make a donation in British ££:

Make a donation in US $$:
